what is Hapax|Glitch?

This newsletter is our expression of making a space in this digital landscape, that allows us to (re)weave our stories together. Hapax|Glitch is a Mad portmanteau of ‘hapax legomena’ and ‘glitch in the matrix’.

This newsletter will always be Mad, never sane. Hapax|Glitch is a collective art experience, created & curated by fungifemme | hydra system.

why subscribe to our newsletter?

We are slowly moving towards a different relationship with the internet & its social features. Instead of creating awesome things for other social sites, we decided to create our own spot on the internet to update, for us, for ourselves, and for you all!

Subscribing to our newsletter will be the best way to stay connected to our art, in all the forms it can be expressed.

Sometimes our art is written, you’ll be able to read it here!

Sometimes our art is audio, you’ll be able to listen to it here!

Sometimes our art is analog, you’ll be able to learn more about it here!

same newsletter content - free vs. paid?

The main portions of this newsletter will be available to both free subscribers & paid subscribers, which includes all long-form essays and all micro-podcasts! If you have access to wealth or have the position to financially support our writing + audio storytelling, we encourage you to try a paid subscription!

As a thank-you/gratitude for paid subscribers, I have included the ability to post comments on all newsletter publishings, as well as some curated music playlists monthly!

connect with our work & us

So grateful that you want to connect with our work & with us!

if you’d like to stay connected with our work in other ways, make sure to check out our artists’ website and contact us!


Subscribe to Hapax|Glitch

Hapax|Glitch is a free mailing of digital letters, written by fungifemme | hydra system. Always grateful for your support as it helps us to be creative + curious. Thank you!


fungifemme | hydra system